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Five Ways to Nail Your Interview at Wanzek

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Looking for a job at Wanzek? Our recruiters have some insider advice. In fact, they’re experts at interviews – hiring thousands of employees a year! Here are five ways to nail your job interview at Wanzek.

1. Come Prepared

One of the best ways to make a strong first impression is to be prepared. This includes doing your Wanzek research – like knowing that Wanzek is one of the nation’s leading wind and solar contractors and that safety is our number one value. Checking out our history page, current projects and LinkedIn account might help, too!

Print out your certifications, resume and portfolio (if needed) to share with the interview team. Also, depending on your position, make sure you dress the part. If you do a virtual interview, make sure your laptop is charged or plugged into an outlet. Log in about five minutes early to allow for any technical issues and be in a location with no distractions.

2. Use the STAR Method

The STAR method is a way of answering questions in a four-step process.

  • Situation: Describe the situation and when it took place.
  • Task: Explain the task and goal.
  • Action: Provide details about the action you took to achieve your goal.
  • Result: Wrap up the example by sharing the results of your action.

At Wanzek, one of our beliefs is quality – doing our work the right way. using the STAR method and showing how you achieved impactful results will help demonstrate how you fit into our culture.

3. Be Professional

During the interview, have a friendly and positive tone. This helps create an open and trusting environment. Also, tell the truth during your interview. Integrity is one of Wanzek’s top beliefs and being honest helps our team understand if the job position is a good fit for you and the company.

4. Ask Questions

A good rule to remember: bring at least three questions. These can be about the position, the team you will work with, the future of the company, or anything else you are genuinely curious about.

When you ask your questions, be sure to show that you are ready to learn and are excited to try something new. Be enthusiastic about the position and tell the recruiter all the reasons that make you a great fit for this position.

And how about that dreaded salary question? It’s best to ask the recruiter during your prescreen phone conversation.

5. Follow Up

Within 24 hours of the interview, write a thank you email to all the interviewers. It’s best to thank them for their time, explain how you look forward to hearing back from them and remind them of why you would be great for the role.

Practicing these five skills and preparing yourself for an interview helps show that you are a strong candidate for the position. To see open positions at Wanzek, visit our careers page.

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