Statistical or Overview Information
Start Date: January 2021
Completion Date: January 2022 (Planned Substantial Completion)
The King Creek Wind Project was completed with the combination of three OEMs and four turbine types. The varying turbines included two different Vestas towers totaling 19 turbines, a General Electric tower totaling 12 turbines and a first-of-a-kind Siemens Gamesa tower totaling 65 units installed. Development of King Creek was completed by the client, while the engineering, procurement and construction were provided by Wanzek. The client will resume operations of the facility following energization.
Project Scope:
- Engineering
- Civil
- Foundations
- Collection
- WTG erection of 12 GE 2.8 MW towers
- 19 Vestas 2 MW towers and 65 Siemens Gamesa 5.0 MW towers
Location Throckmorton, TX
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